HUD Certified Housing Counselor Application Results Page
Field Descriptions

The field descriptions for the HUD Certified Housing Counselor Application Results page are provided below for each type of counselor: Certified and HECM.

——————— Certified Counselor ———————

The field descriptions for a certified counselor are listed according to the sections in which they are located: Personal Information, Contact Information, Employment Information, and Certified Counselor Information.

Field Description
Certified Housing Counselor application accepted on Date the application as a certified counselor was accepted by HUD.
Personal Information
Counselor ID Six-character identifier for the HUD-approved counselor generated by HUD's Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System (CHUMS).
Counselor Type Classification of the type of counselor for which the application is being made.
HECM: Placement on the HECM Counselor Roster in order to provide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) counseling.
Certified: HUD-certified counselor who can provide homeownership and other types of counseling (e.g., rental, mobility, and/or homelessness counseling).
First Name First name of the counselor.
Middle Initial Middle initial of the counselor.
Last Name Surname of the counselor.
Suffix Suffix after the counselor's Last Name (e.g., Jr. or III).
Social Security Number Social Security Number of the counselor.
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Contact Information
Mailing Address
Business Name Business name under which the counselor works.
Street Address Street address to which the counselor's business mail is sent.
City City to which the counselor's business mail is sent.
State State to which the counselor's business mail is sent.
Zip Code Zip code to which the counselor's business mail is sent.
Phone / E-mail Information
Phone Number Business telephone number of the counselor.
Fax Number Business fax number of the counselor.
E-mail Address Business electronic mail address of the counselor.
Confirm E-mail Repeat of the counselor's electronic mail address for verification.
Employment Information
Agency HCS ID HUD Housing Counseling System (HCS) ID issued to the FHA-approved housing counseling agency that employs the counselor. The first digit is "8" or "9" followed by a unique four-digit number. This is the primary employer if the counselor is also employed by other agencies.
Agency Name Name of the HUD-approved housing counseling agency.
Hired Date Month, day, and year the counselor was hired by the housing counseling agency to perform housing counseling services.
Certified Counselor Information
Counselor's Exam ID ID issued to the counselor for the HUD Housing Counselor Certification Examination.

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——————— HECM Counselor ———————

The field descriptions for a HECM counselor are listed according to the sections in which they are located: Personal Information, Contact Information, HECM Training Information, and Employment Information.

Field Description
Message (Warning)Message indicating the application was held for review by HUD personnel. Note: This also indicates the files were successfully uploaded.
Application held for HUD Review on: [date]Indicator specifying the counselor's application is being held for further review by HUD personnel and the date the application was held.
Personal Information
Counselor Type Classification of the type of counselor for which the application is being made.
HECM: Placement on the HECM Counselor Roster in order to provide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) counseling.
Certified: HUD-certified counselor who can provide homeownership and other types of counseling (e.g., rental, mobility, and/or homelessness counseling).
First Name First name of the counselor.
Middle InitialMiddle initial of the counselor.
Last NameSurname of the counselor.
Suffix Suffix after the counselor's Last Name (e.g., Jr. or III).
Social Security Number Social Security Number of the counselor.
Date of BirthMonth, day, and year of the counselor's birth.
GenderGender of the counselor.
EthnicityIndicator specifying whether the counselor is of Latino or Hispanic descent.
Race(s)Racial background of the counselor.
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Contact Information
Mailing Address
Business NameBusiness name under which the counselor works.
Street AddressStreet address to which the counselor's business mail is sent.
CityCity to which the counselor's business mail is sent.
StateState to which the counselor's business mail is sent.
Zip CodeZip code to which the counselor's business mail is sent.
Phone / E-mail Information
Phone NumberBusiness telephone number of the counselor.
Fax NumberBusiness fax number of the counselor.
E-mail AddressBusiness electronic mail address of the counselor.
Confirm E-mailRepeat of the counselor's electronic mail address for verification.
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HECM Training Information
Training #1, #2, #3
Course Name Name of the HECM training course.
Training CompanyName of the training company that administered the course.
Completion Date Month, day, and year the HECM training course was completed.
Course Description reflecting HECM content Description of the HECM training course completed.
Employment Information
Agency HCS IDHUD Housing Counseling System (HCS) ID issued to the FHA-approved housing counseling agency that employs the counselor. The first digit is "8" or "9" followed by a unique four-digit number. This is the primary employer if the counselor is also employed by other agencies.
Agency Name Name of the HUD-approved housing counseling agency.
Hired Date Month, day, and year the counselor was hired by the housing counseling agency to perform HECM counseling services.

See Also

HUD Certified Housing Counselor Application - Business Background

HUD Certified Housing Counselor Application - Processing

HUD Certified Housing Counselor Application Page - Field Descriptions

HUD Certified Housing Counselor Application - Upload Files Page - Field Descriptions

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Last revised: March 26, 2024