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Requesting Information
On the Refinance Authorization page, enter the 10-digit case number assigned to the new mortgage in the FHA Case Number field.
Type the telephone number of the lender's contact person in the Contact Phone field.
After clicking Send on the Refinance Authorization page, the information is processed. You are notified if processing was successfully completed or if there are errors that need to be corrected before processing can be completed.
The Refinance Authorization Results page appears if processing was successful. One of the following messages is displayed at the top of the page.
Refinance Authorization Successfully Completed
the page or make a note of the information.
Refinance Authorization Successfully Completed; Warning: No Refund for Refinance
There is no refinance
credit on the prior case that can be applied to the new case. Print the page or
make a note of the information.
If there are errors that prevent processing, the Refinance Authorization page appears again for making corrections. The following message is displayed at the top of the page: Refinance Authorization Not Processed Due to Error(s). Click Review Error(s) on the Refinance Authorization page to go to the Error(s) Detected field near the bottom of the page in the Details section for an explanation of the error. The field that directly relates to the error is highlighted. Add or correct the information specified in the Error(s) Detected field. Then, submit for processing again. Specific instructions for some of the errors are provided below.
See Also
Refinance Authorization - Business Background
Refinance Authorization Page - Field Descriptions
Refinance Authorization Results Page - Field Descriptions