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Secondary Financing is used to enter information on funds directly provided to the borrower in order to meet the required minimum cash investment. This information must be entered before processing Insurance Application for a forward mortgage case. Secondary financing is defined as any financing other than the first mortgage that creates a lien against the property. It is not considered a gift even if there are no monthly repayment provisions (soft or silent secondary financing) or other provisions that forgive the debt.
Acceptable sources of funds include the following:
Sources of information for Secondary Financing include Form HUD-92900-LT, Secondary Financing and secondary financing loan instruments.
The following requirements must be met if (a) the source of funds is Nonprofit (Not an Instrumentality of Government) or Nonprofit Instrumentality of Government, or (b) the secondary financing loan closing is in the name of a nonprofit:
FHA Connection authorization for Insurance Application is required to use Secondary Financing.
You can access Secondary Financing using the following sequence of FHA Connection links from the main menu: Single Family FHA, Single Family Origination, Case Processing, and Secondary Financing (or through a link via Insurance Application).
Secondary Financing - Steps for Processing
Secondary Financing Page - Field Descriptions
Secondary Financing Update Page - Field Descriptions
Secondary Financing Results Page - Field Descriptions