Address Comparison Notifications


Upon initially accessing the Appraisal Logging Update page for a case, or when newer appraisal information is populated from the EAD portal, the property address from both the EAD portal and CHUMS is displayed and compared. One of the following messages concerning the property address is displayed based on the address comparison:

Addresses match
Message affirming that there is no discrepancy with the property address between the EAD portal and CHUMS. Upon processing Appraisal Logging Update, the information is saved and the EAD Address field is no longer displayed; no property address resolution is required.
Addresses are a close match
Review the displayed addresses and check the box beside the certification statement. Once the Appraisal Logging Update page is processed, the address in CHUMS is retained.
Address in CHUMS is incorrect and must be changed to the address in EAD
Using Borrower/Address Change in the FHA Connection, change the property address as needed. Once the Appraisal Logging Update page is processed, no further address discrepancy should be detected.
Address in EAD portal is incorrect and must be changed to the address in CHUMS
Using the EAD portal, change the property address as needed and process the change. CHUMS case information is updated periodically throughout the day from the EAD portal.