Updating Borrower/Address Information


Use Borrower/Address Change (see Site Map: Case Processing) to change or add the following for a nonendorsed case:

Borrower information (e.g., name, Social Security Number (SSN), birth date, ethnicity)  
Property address  

The property address is validated against U.S. Postal Service information. The borrower's information is initially validated against several official government databases, e.g., HUD's database for borrowers with multiple loans, Social Security Administration's (SSA) Death Master File, Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System (CAIVRS) database for delinquent federal debtors. The TIN of a nonprofit agency borrower is checked to verify that it is an FHA-approved nonprofit agency.

Borrower/Address Change page
If there are errors on the page, review the Error at the top of the page and the Details section at the bottom.  
Error messages displayed on top/bottom of Borrower/Address Change page
If the address fails validation, you can correct the address, accept a new address provided by the U.S. Postal Service (click Update Address Fields), or override the address validation (click Override address validation) to continue Borrower/Address Change processing. Misuse of the override option is monitored by the FHA. The address should be corrected prior to endorsement.  
If the borrower or a coborrower fails the initial validation, you must correct the borrower information and resubmit the information before processing can continue. If the borrower or a coborrower is found to be associated with other FHA-insured mortgages, or is found to have a claim or default recorded for a federal or FHA-insured loan, a warning message is displayed with a brief explanation. Case processing can continue, but the warning may warrant further investigation of the borrower/coborrower(s).  
After successfully submitting the Borrower/Address Change page, each borrower's identification information is validated overnight with the SSA. Failed validations can be obtained the next business day using Holds Tracking on the Case Processing menu (see WINK, Holds Tracking). (If the case is not listed in Holds Tracking, you may use Case Query to confirm successful validation.) However, in the mean time, case processing can continue as needed.  