Inspectors - Processing

Note: HUD's Inspector Roster was eliminated, effective August 2, 2018, per Federal Register Docket No. FR-5457-F-02, dated July 3, 2018.

The Inspectors page provides a list of FHA-approved inspectors based on a specific location, inspector name, ID number, or status (see also field descriptions for the following pages: Inspectors, Inspectors List).

Requesting an Inspectors List

To request a list of FHA-approved inspectors, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Inspectors page, specify the order of your results by selecting one of the choices in the Sorted by drop-down list.  Results are presented in alphabetical order, A-Z, or numerical order, 0-9.

  2. Then enter at least one of the following requirements.

    Note: Where indicated, you may enter partial information (one or more characters) to retrieve records (inspectors) that correspond with the entered criteria, e.g., entering "P" in the Last Name field retrieves all inspectors with names beginning with "P." If multiple fields allow a partial entry and partial information is entered, all specified criteria are searched and only matching information is retrieved/displayed.
    Approval State: Select the approval state from the drop-down list. If All States is selected, an additional requirement such as a specific Last Name must be entered.
    ID Number: Type the full or partial identifying code for a specific inspector or a list of inspectors with similar identification numbers.
    Last Name: Type a full or partial inspector last name for a list of inspectors with the same or similar last names.
    City: Type a full or partial city name for a list of inspectors located in a specific city or in cities with similar names.
    Zip Code: Type a full or partial zip code for a list of inspectors located in the same or similar zip code area.

  1. To further customize and streamline results, change the default selection for the Status field.
  1. Click Send. If information is found based on the specifications you entered, the Inspectors List page appears with selected information. A message at the top of the page states: Inspectors successfully completed.


    If no information is found based on the criteria you entered, the Inspectors page appears with an error message at the top of the page that states: Inspectors not processed due to error(s). The selection criteria you entered are listed and an Error(s) Detected message near the bottom of the page states: No records match selection criteria. See Correcting Search Errors on the Inspectors page.


    If there is an error, the
    Inspectors page appears with an error message at the top of the page that states: Inspectors not processed due to error(s). The selection criteria you entered are listed and an Error(s) Detected message near the bottom of the page describes the error. See Correcting Search Errors on the Inspectors page.

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Requesting Another Inspectors List

  1. Use the Previous button at the bottom of the page or your browser's Back button to return to the Inspectors page.

  2. Click Reset to clear all previously entered selections. See Requesting an Inspectors List.


    Modify the previously entered selection(s).

  3. Click Send to process again.

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Correcting Search Errors on the Inspectors Page

Review the error information on the Inspectors page. There are two common conditions that may occur: must enter at least one selection or no records match selection criteria.

Must Enter at Least One Selection

The Error(s) Detected message informs you that at least one specific requirement, e.g., Social Security Number, Last Name, City, must be entered before your request can be processed.

  1. Enter at least one specific requirement for your list. See Requesting an Inspectors List.

  2. Click Send to process again.

No Records Match Selection Criteria

The Error(s) Detected message informs you that no inspector is found based on your previously entered search criteria, e.g., Social Security Number, Last Name, City.

  1. Modify your search criteria. See Requesting an Inspectors List.

  2. Click Send to process again.

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See Also

Inspectors Page - Field Descriptions

Inspectors List Page - Field Descriptions

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Last revised: October 31, 2018