For case numbers assigned prior to 06/27/2016, lenders have the option of entering appraisal information directly through Appraisal Logging on the FHA Connection. However, for case numbers assigned on/after 06/27/2016, appraisal information must be submitted electronically by an eligible FHA-approved lender or by a designated third-party service provider via the FHA's Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) portal (EAD is optional for case numbers assigned 04/11/2015 through 06/26/2016). For electronic appraisals submitted (or, updated and resubmitted) via EAD, the appraisal information populates (prefills) the Appraisal Logging Update page when the page is accessed. The appraisal information must be reviewed, edited (as needed), and processed using the FHA Conection.
Notes: The Appraisal Logging Update page must be processed (click Send) to save the electronic appraisal information to HUD's system of record, the Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System (CHUMS); otherwise, the appraisal information is not saved in the Appraisal Logging Update page. You may also encounter case type and/or address messages/warnings that may need to be resolved before continuing case processing. |